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 Q:  How many children and teachers are in each class?

Glenbrook Preschool Society believes small ratios and small class sizes are better for supporting children's development. Three-year-old classes have one teacher, one teacher's assistant, and a maximum of twelve children.  Four-year-old classes have one teacher, one teacher's assistant, and a maximum of sixteen children. 

Q:  Does my child need to be toilet trained before starting school?

Children need to be fully toilet-trained in order to attend the preschool. Please read the toilet-training section in the Policies and Procedures Manual on our Registration page if this affects your child. It is important to let your child know that he/she will need to do the bathroom 'routine' on his/her own. Children may ask to go to the bathroom at any time and will be escorted by a teacher. Dressing your child in clothes that he/she can manage on his/her own supports independence.

Q:  Can I send someone else to pick up my child if I can't make it?

Your child may be picked up by authorized adults listed on your child's registration form. Please notify your child's teacher if you would like to make changes. 

Q:  What if I will be late for pickup?

If you encounter an unforeseen circumstance and know you will be detained (a flat tire, accident, medical issue, etc.), please call the school as soon as possible so that the Preschool staff may work with you to make proper arrangements for your child's care. The Preschool has a 5-minute grace period for dismissal. Any parent arriving more than 5 minutes late for pickup will be charged a late pick up fee as outlined in the Parent Handbook (Late Pickup section) on our Registration page. It is helpful to exchange cellphone numbers with at least one other parent in your child's class so you have a 'buddy' to call if you will be late. If necessary, you may ask that parent to inform the teacher and then stay with your child until you arrive.

Q:  Am I required to volunteer in my child's classroom?

No. Our paid teachers and teacher's assistants do not rely on parent help to run the classroom. If you would like to visit your child's class, please speak with your child's teacher. Due to COVID-19 no outside visitors are allowed in the classroom at this time.

Q:  My child is nervous about starting preschool and might not want to leave me.  What can I do to help him/her?

At the beginning of each school year, Glenbrook Preschool Society uses a staggered entry approach to help ease children into their new preschool surroundings. Three-year-olds and new four-year-old students first visit their classroom with a parent, and then slowly transition into preschool by attending shortened classes with half of their classmates before finally joining the full class for the full length of time. Our teachers understand separation anxiety, and have nurturing strategies which help children feel calm and encourage them to start playing after their caregivers leave. It is important for your child not to see your own anxiety. Instead, tell your child to have fun and that you will be back soon to pick him/her up. Feel proud that your child is old enough for preschool, give a hug and kiss goodbye and leave your child with his/her teacher. If you still feel anxious, talk to your child's teacher. Please know that if your child is very upset and cannot be distracted and engaged in play, you will be called. Feel confident that soon your child will be eager to join his/her friends at preschool.

Q:  Does the preschool provide snack for the children?

Yes. Snacks include a small cup of water and a combination of two items such as raisins, dried cranberries, snack crackers, pretzels, cheese, apples, bananas, grapes. Glenbrook Preschool Society has a no nut policy and the preschool will make every effort to accommodate other food allergies.

Q:  What do I need to send to preschool with my child?

Children must wear indoor shoes and be dressed in clothes they can play and have fun in. We recommend dressing in layers as even on cold winter days the classroom is warm. A backpack or bag is useful for bringing home crafts, newsletters and notices. Also, children should have a plastic bag with a full change of clothes in case of spills or 'accidents'. Refer to the Parent Handbook for more information.

Q:  Can I send cupcakes or treats to school on my child's birthday?

No, outside food cannot be brought into the school. It poses serious health risks to children with food allergies, and can lead to hurt feelings for children in other classes who are not included. 

Q:  When is my child too sick to send to school?
Anyone presenting with ANY cold/flu symptoms and/or a temperature, will not be permitted to enter the building. Children should not attend preschool if they are not well. Health concerns include, but are not limited to, fever, chills, runny nose, a persistent cough, sore throat, body aches, headache, diarrhea, or your child just feeling 'a bit off'. If your child has needed Tylenol or cough/cold medication within 24 hours of a preschool day, they should not go to school. If you are unsure, please keep your child home until he/she is symptom free and eager to participate in all activities. 


Q:  Where can I park when I drop off and pick up my child?

Students enter through the South Side entrance. Parents must not park in the staff parking lot. Parking is available in the alley along the fence on the south side of the playground or on the street along 35th Avenue with a short walk across the field. Please respect the no parking signs at the north end of the alley and be courteous not to block any of the neighbors' garages that open into the alley.

Q:  Why should I pay for my child to go to a preschool to play?

Play is the way young children learn. Our classrooms are specifically organized to facilitate learning through play, and our teachers know how to use children's play to facilitate developmentally appropriate learning. For more information on the benefits of play-based learning, please visit our Play-Based Learning page.

Q:  Is Glenbrook Preschool Society part of Glenbrook Elementary School?

No. The preschool is located inside of Glenbrook Preschool Society and has a good working relationship with the school, but is not affiliated with the elementary school or the Calgary Board of Education. Glenbrook Preschool Society is a non-profit preschool governed by a Parents' Advisory Committee.  Its location, inside the elementary school, helps to familiarize preschoolers with a school environment.

Q:  What is the withdrawal policy for the Glenbrook Preschool Society?

If you wish to withdraw your child at any time during the preschool year, one month's written notice from the first day of any given month must be received by the Registrar in writing, or one month's fee in lieu thereof.  June's tuition fee will be refunded only if you withdraw your child on or before April 30 and the required notice is given.

Frequently Asked Questions

Call us today at 403-686-6868.