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Our Classrooms


Snack is provided by the preschool. Teachers encourage children to be independent in hand-washing and clean-up. Snacks include a small cup of water and a combination of two items such as raisins, dried cranberries, goldfish crackers, snack crackers, pretzels, cheese, apples, bananas, grapes, etc. Glenbrook Preschool Society has a no nut policy and makes every effort to accommodate other food allergies.


Glenbrook Preschool's location inside Glenbrook Elementary School helps children become familiar with school rules and the school environment.

Parents' Advisory Committee (PAC)

Glenbrook Preschool is a non-profit organization operated by a Parents' Advisory Committee (PAC), which is guided by an Executive elected for each school year. In addition to the Executive, several volunteer committees are formed to assist in the major areas of preschool operations. The PAC is comprised of any interested parents with children enrolled in that year's program.

PAC meetings are announced in the Preschool's Monthly newsletter. Every parent in encouraged and welcome to attend - it is your way of having a direct say in how the preschool is operated. For more information on PAC meetings and a list of the current Executive and Volunteer Coordinators, please see the Parent Handbook on our Registration page (under Policies and Procedures).

For more information on child-directed, play-based learning please visit our Play-Based Learning page.

Daily Activities

For the majority of class time each day, children are free to engage in activities and learning centres according to their own interests. Teachers observe and respond to children's play in ways that guide learning and model age-appropriate skills.  

Other regular activities also play an important part in the daily classroom routine:

  • Daily Structured Carpet-Time: stories, rhymes, calendar activities and discussions teach letters, numbers, counting, days of the week, and information about the world
  • Physical Activity: indoor and outdoor, structured and unstructured, cooperative and free-play
  • Music: singing, movement, and rhythm
  • Helping Hand: an opportunity for children to practice leadership and gain confidence in front of the class by helping teachers perform important classroom responsibiltiies for the day
  • Celebration: recognition of birthdays and special days of the year
  • arts and crafts
  • drama
  • building and carpentry
  • house
  • science and discovery
  • play dough
  • sensory stations
  • books
  • table activities
  • quiet corner

Child-Directed, Play-Based Learning

At Glenbrook Preschool, our teachers use

child-directed play to create age-appropriate learning opportunities for preschoolers. Teachers design play-based learning centres in the classrooms such as: